Trosopplæring for Guds små prinsesser? Teologi, kjønn og læring i bibelbøker for barn


  • Birgitte Lerheim Ph.D, førsteamanuensis i religionspedagogikk og kirkelig undervisning, Det teologiske fakultet, Universitetet i Oslo



This article presents and discusses recent Norwegian research on Bible Didactics, using the Jarle and Karina Waldemars’ Norwegian version of Carolyn Larsen’s book Princess Stories. Real Bible Stories of God’s Princesses as a starting point and case. The emphasis of the discussion is on theology, gender and learning discourses, and is being done in relation to a certain field of practice, namely the Christian Education Reform of the Church of Norway. The author shows how the curriculum/learning plan of Chrisitian Eduation seems to carry a bricolaged and accidental understanding of Bible Didactics. Recent Norwegian research on Bible Didactic, mostly done by Old Testament scholars, is being discus-
sed. The research in question shows how a moral, instrumental didactisism often dominates bible mediation for children. Our case is an excellent example of how this is gendered differently for girls and boys. The methodology of the book used as a case also relies upon an understanding as learning as acquisition less than participation and knowledge creation.

Keywords: Bible, didactics, gender, theology, learning, children

Nøkkelord: Bibel, didaktikk, kjønn, teologi, læring, barn