Dagens kroppsidealisering og kristen kroppsrealisme


  • Ove Olsen Sæle 1.lektor i kroppsøving og lektor i kristendom (cand. philol.) NLA Høgskolen, avdeling Bergen




Our approach to the human body has always correlated with the contemporary cultural context. Today’s modern hi-tech society, with its extreme body discipline and body idealism, seems to express an even stronger mind-body duality than ever. The historical concept of mind-body duality, where the human flesh was subordinated and suppressed by human consciousness, soul and spirit, seems to form an underlying basis for today’s superficial body approach as well. Christian theology, paradoxically, can also provide a more subtle, positive and comprehensive conception of the body, which hopefully can function as a counterbalance to the current superficial body approach.

Keywords: Mind-body duality • Ireneus, Descartes • today’s superficial body approach • a Christian conception of body

Nøkkelord: Kropp/sjel-dualisme  • Ireneus, Descartes • Dagens overfladiske kroppstilnærming • En kristen kroppsrealisme


