Endringer i forståelsen av dannelse i skolens religions- og livssynsfag Om noen utfordringer til faget i juridiske og pedagogiske/didaktiske tekster og hvordan skriving kan være med på å løse dem


  • Camilla Stabel Jørgensen Ph.D, 1. amanuensis ved Høgskolen i Sør-Trøndelag, Avdeling for lærer- og tolkeutdanning, 7004 Trondheim.




The article discusses changes in the interpretation of Bildung (dannelse) as it is conveyed in two pedagogical/didactical articles and through legal documents (purpose clause, curriculum) current since 1997, when the KRL-subject was first introduced in Norwegian schools. In addition to the investigation of the concept of Bildung, the terms «religionspedagogikk» and «religions- og livssynsdidaktikk» (RE pedagogy and RE didactics) are discussed (note however that the translations of these terms do not convey the associations that are evoked by the Norwegian terms). The two terms, RE pedagogy and RE didactics can be related to theological and pedagogical foundation, historical time and the theory-practice dimension, and along these lines differences in the interpretation of Bildung can be traced. From the analysis of the legal documents and the articles, two different challenges for the RE/RLE-subject emerge – challenges that can be answered through writing. In its final part the article points out how and why writing can be seen as an appropriate way to both discover one’s own thoughts and identity and to explore the views of others’.

Keywords: Bildung (dannelse), religious education, pedagogy, didactics, writing

Nøkkelord: Dannelse, religiøs utdanning, pedagogikk, didaktikk, skriving


