Løgstrup, värdegrundspedagogerna och det etiska kravet: en kritisk ansats


  • Olof Franck Docent i religionsfilosofi, Universitetslektor i de samhällsorienterande ämnenas didaktik og viceprefekt ved Göteborgs universitet, Institutionen för didaktik och pedagogisk profession,




In this article, some significant characteristics of Knud Ejler Løgstrup´s analysis of the ethical demand are highlighted, regarding its prominent role in many Swedish representations of value-pedagogical issues. The question if the ethical approach of Løgstrup, anchored as it is in a religiously defined foundation, may be judged relevant to the work and activities in a secular educational context is taken as a starting-point. Critical considerations are directed towards an instrumentalisation of the ethical demand, as this is presented by Løgstrup. Parallelly, a way of finding a place and a role for the ethical demand to play in non-confessional value-pedagogical ethics is indicated.

Keywords: Løgstrup, The ethical demand, ethics education, non-confessionality

Nøkkelord: Løgstrup, etisk etterspørsel, etikkutdanning, ikke-konfessionell