Pedagogisk arbeid med grunnverdien tilgivelse

Mellom skolens formål og de unges erfaring


  • Guro Hansen Helskog Dosent i pedagogikk ved Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge



Forgiveness is one of the core values in the Norwegian Education Act §1 and in the Overarching part of the national curriculum. Empirical research has shown that forgiveness has both mental and physical health benefits. Thus, there are good reasons for working pedagogically with forgiveness in school and teacher education. This article analyzes and compares four examples of respectively psychological and philosophical approaches to such work. Despite differences, all approaches proved to have good effect. However, this does not automatically mean that it is ethically justifiable to apply them on a general level in school and teacher education, because forgiveness can concern children and young people at their most vulnerable. This problem is discussed towards the end of the article, in the effort to answer its main question: What is good pedagogical work with school’s core value forgiveness?

Key words: Aims of education, forgiveness, pedagogical work, pedagogical philosophy, Dialogos, philosophical dialogue, life skill, core value




