Et ressursperspektiv på uenighet: Analyse av kjerneelementet Utforsking av religioner og livssyn med ulike metoder


  • Øyvind Soltun Andreassen Stipendiat i religions- og livssynsdidaktikk ved Institutt for lærerutdanning ved NTNU
  • Camilla Stabel Jørgensen Professor i religions- og livssynsdidaktikk ved Institutt for lærerutdanning ved NTNU



In this article we analyze the core element “Exploration of religions and worldviews with different methods” to better understand it, and the new challenges it poses. The investigated data consists of oral exchanges about the interpretations of the core element text by a community of practice – RE-teacher student educators - as well as the core element text in itself. To identify what appears to be new, the core element is compared to the previous curriculum. The oral exchanges are analyzed to anchor our understanding of the core element in a community of practice concerned with education of students who are supposed to be competent users of the curriculum introducing this core element. Our main finding is that the core element establishes that disagreements should be used as resources for teaching and learning. We discuss how the core element describes complexity, diversity and disagreement, and how the core element expects the students to use complexity, diversity and disagreement as resources in their development of knowledge and understanding in the subject.

Keywords: Curriculum analysis, core elements, enquiry, multiple methods, epistemological awareness, disagreements as resources

