For reviewers

As a reviewer, you will be notified that you have received a review request via email, click on the link to access your profile. Once logged in to your OJS profile you will be sent through the following workflow:   

Step 1: You will be given a choice on whether you would like to decline or accept the review request. If you decline, you will be dropped from the process. If you accept, you will continue to step 2.  

Step 2: You will find the reviewer guidelines. 

Step 3: You will be able to download and comment on the submission. You can choose who will be able to view your comments (both the author and editor, or just the editor). 

Step 4: You will be asked to provide your recommendation, the choices include:  

  • Accept Submission: the submission is ready to be sent to Copyediting as is. 
  • Revisions Required: the submission requires minor changes that can be reviewed and accepted by the editor. 
  • Resubmit for Review: the submission requires major changes and another round of peer review. 
  • Resubmit Elsewhere: the submission does not seem like a good fit for the focus and scope of this journal. 
  • Decline Submission: the submission has too many weaknesses to be accepted. 
  • See Comments: if none of the above recommendations make sense, you can leave a comment for the editor detailing your concerns. 

Step 5: Press the Submit Review button to complete your review.  

For a detailed description of the role of reviewer, we suggest you take a look at the Learning OJS guide for reviewers.  

Note on Double-blind peer review:  

If the journal you are reviewing for practices double-blind peer review, check that your feedback does not contain identifying information. We provide a description of how to ensure a blind-peer review process on our ensuring a blind peer review webpage.