
Guide to OJS 3.3/3.4: A comprehensive guide to Open Journal Systems version 3.3/3.4. 

Common journal policies and workflows: PKPs overview on common policies and workflows for journals. 

Copyright and licensing: PKPs webpage for information on copyright and licensing for journals. 

Guide on how to make your Open Journal Systems (OJS) journal attractive, accessible, and unique 

OJS homepage: Visit the official homepage of Open Journal Systems. 

COPEs website on best practices regarding publication ethics 

PKP Community forum: Engage with the PKP Community forum where publishers, scholars, developers, editors, and librarians discuss and share ideas. 

DOAJ application guide: A guide for applying to the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ). 

ISSN application: Apply for an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for your publication. 

Open Access Journals toolkit: The OA Journals Toolkit provides guidance for new and established open access journals to navigate the scholarly publishing landscape