”We need a visage in Finland”. A report on a survey about the need of founding of, the mandate of and the content of a museum for the members of the Finnish Jewish parishes.


  • Pia Feinik




Jewish heritage in Finland, legitimacy to establish the museum


Unlike many other European countries, Finland does not have a Jewish museum, even though the Finnish Jewish minority has an undeniably significant and long history in the fields of science, art, economy as well as politics. In the study”We need a visage in Finland”, the thoughts and attitudes of the Finnish Jewish minority with regard to the founding of a museum are discussed. The study clarifies the issues with which the project is supported or opposed in the Jewish community, and why. It also explains what kind of museological activities the community members feel are important and how Judaism gets presented to the parishioners themselves. Through a museum, the Finnish Jewish community would like to help build a diverse and open society by offering information about their faith and their culture, and this way do their part in hindering the prolifigation of extremism and racial hatred. 



