Hvordan skal vi forstå, og hva gjør vi med kjerneelementene i KRLE og Religion og etikk?


  • Lars Unstad Førsteamanuensis i KRLE, Institutt for lærerutdanning (ILU), NTNU




This article addresses the core elements of the curriculum Kunnskapsløftet 2020. By analysing the documents that formed the preparatory work for the curriculum, I show how disciplinary literacy forms a theoretical backdrop that can shed light on how to understand and apply the core elements in school and teacher education. The connection between university disciplines and school subjects is central. This connection also involves a discussion of how the specific ways of working in the disciplines can be visualised in the school through didactisation, that is, an adaptation and facilitation of the specific disciplinary ways of working in subjects for pupils in school. Furthermore, I give a brief reflection on each core element in Norwegian religious education in the light of disciplinary literacy theory, followed by a discussion of implications and challenges for school and teacher education.

Keywords: core elements, Big Ideas, Religious education, disciplinary literacy, didactisation

