Om danning og livsmeistring

Døden som eksistensielt tema i religions- og livssynsfaget


  • Anne Brit Lauvsnes Stipendiat i danning og didaktiske praksisar ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet



In the new Norwegian curriculum for Religious Education (RE), implemented in 2020, “exploration of existential questions and answers” has been given a central role as a core element. In this article, I discuss theoretically, based on Klafki’s Bildung and didactical theories, combined with Sigurdsson and Skovmand’s model regarding religious (and world view related) authority, how teaching about “death” as an existential topic can strengthen Bildung (i.e. formation) in RE. I argue that this topic largely exists implicitly in this school subject and give an example of an approach to teaching the topic. The discussion also reveals the close connection between the core element “exploration of existential questions and answers” in the RE curriculum and the core curriculum’s interdisciplinary topic “life skills”.

Keywords: Bildung (formation), didactics, existential issues, death, Religious Education

