«Jeg tror jo alle ble slitne etter hvert». En kvalitativ undersøkelse av norske religionslæreres arbeidssituasjon under koronanedstengingen våren 2020


  • Kristine Toft Rosland Førstelektor, Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge, Porsgrunn
  • Audun Toft Førsteamanuensis, MF vitenskapelig høyskole for teologi, religion og samfunn




How much autonomy did Norwegian teachers experience during the Covid-19 lockdown in the spring of 2020? In this article, we analyse and discuss data from interviews with nine religious education teachers from different Norwegian upper secondary schools. Their experiences are used to discuss questions pertaining to professional autonomy and responsibility. We find that the teachers experienced great freedom to plan and execute their own teaching in line with their own professional standards during this time. However, they also went far beyond the normal boundaries for work hours and personal time. We argue that this stems from a strong feeling of professional responsibility which is amplified by the extraordinary situation. This is further discussed within the frames of the larger pedagogical debate over autonomy, accountability, and curriculum control.

Keywords: home schooling, Covid-19, autonomy, professional responsibility




