Dialoger om verdier i grunnskolens formålsparagraf – med minnematerialet fra 22. juli som læremiddel


  • Ingebjørg Stubø Førsteamanuensis i RLE ved Høgskolen i Hedmark.
  • Synnøve Markeng Lærerstudent ved Høgskolen i Hedmark




In the aftermath of the shooting and killing of young people on Utøya island and the bombing of government buildings on July 22nd 2011, children and adolescents put down texts and drawings on spontaneous memorials in the Oslo area1..Love and togetherness, life and human worth are often the values these utterances focus on. These are values closely related to central values in the objects clause («formåls-paragrafen») of the Norwegian Education Act, such as respect for human worth, compassion, diversity, equality and solidarity. This article highlights how children’s memorial texts can be a good starting point for conversation when the theme of the teaching is preamble values. The article deals with two forms of dialogue, philosophical conversations and teacher-led dialogues. The article’s main theoretical perspective is taken from Laila Aase’s presentation of the literary conversation in school, supplemented by
perspectives that underlie the philosophical conversations and teacher-led dialogues.   

Nøkkelord: Verdier, læringsverdier, 22. juli 2011, dialog, filosofisk samtale