Den fælles horisont

Didaktik og dannelse i religionsundervisning


  • Lakshmi Sigurdsson Lektor, cand.mag. & M.Ed., Københavns Professionshøjskole
  • Keld Skovmand Lektor, ph.d., HistorieLab. Nationalt videncenter for historie og kulturarvsformidling. UCL Erhvervsakademi og professionshøjskole



Abstract: This article sheds light on the didactics of religion by regarding the professional science, general didactics and theory of Bildung as equally important for RE. The article connects two didactic models based on theories of Bildung and the concept of educating towards religious authoritativeness (Klafki, Nielsen, Skovmand and Andersen & Sigurdsson). The models are exemplified through the parable of the workers in the vineyard. The analysis of the parable demonstrates how the approach to a religious text is transformed, when it is made an item for teaching and thus subjected to a pedagogical normativity and the logics of general didactics. The conclusion is that RE must represent knowledge in a form that is didactically anchored and simultaneously pluralistic, as it is subjected to the general goal of educating towards authoritativeness.

Keywords: didactics, didactics of religion, Bildung, parable, religious authoritativeness

