Å tørre å være mer forkynnende i forkynnelsen

– prekenhendelser og undervisning i Den norske kirkes trosopplæring


  • Linn Sæbø Rystad Førsteamanuensis i praktisk teologi og programleder for UKT ved MF vitenskapelig høyskole for teologi, religion og samfunn




In this article I explore the relationship between preaching and teaching in the Church of Norway’s Christian education. I examine how selected contributions discuss preaching and teaching, and in the discussion I argue that even though they are intertwined in Christian education, preaching and teaching are two different practices. I claim that preaching for children should be treated as preaching rather than teaching, in order not to lose sight of the theological and transformative aspects of preaching.

Keywords: homiletics, ecclesiastical teaching, Christian education

