Hvordan forstå tap i et fenomenologisk perspektiv?


  • Knut Andersen




Survivors of suicide often experience the consequences of this kind of loss as brutal and overwhelming. Many are affected. We know that survivors are at risk of developing significant health problems, both physically and psychologically. The term "postvention" describes various kinds of support that can help to reduce negative consequences for those affected by suicide. In such a perspective, it is important that survivors and helpers understand the many different forms of loss survivors must deal with. This article will highlight various forms of loss, and present a holistic theoretical perspective for understanding loss. A variety of support groups are known as helpful for survivors who are forced to deal with these different forms of loss. The website Sorggrupper.no provides information on various forms of grief groups in Norway. A search has been made of all the country's municipalities (N=356) on the website. All registered groups are categorized and presented in the article.

