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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  • If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.

Author Guidelines


Primitive tider requires the following information about the author:

Full name

Email and telephone number

Full name of home institution (the official name(s) of the institution(s) that are to be credited, if needed with necessary specifications of department, as well as street address and email address (if applicable)



Primitive tider accepts independent articles, thematic articles, debate articles, debate comments, report and book and exhibition reviews. Contributions may be submitted as Word or RTF files. Figures and tables are submitted as separate files.

We encourage Scandinavian authors to write in their own language (Norwegian, Swedish, or Danish), but English contributions are also welcome. All authors should maintain a high standard of academic language. Authors have to provide copy editing when necessary.

To facilitate submission Primitive Tider accepts first versions of articles that are not formatted according to the journals author guidelines. If the article is accepted, it is the responsibility of the author to make necessary adjustments following the guidelines before submitting final version.

Primitive Tider uses a system of references based in the Harvard-system.



Word limit: 5000-7000 words in 12 pt Times New Roman, line spacing 1.5, ex. references. No more than ten illustrations (tables, figures, photos).

The article has to include a max. 200 word abstract in 12 pt Times New Roman, line spacing 1.5.



Word limit: 5000 words in 12 pt Times New Roman, line spacing 1.5, ex. references.

The article has to include a max. 200 word abstract in 12 pt Times New Roman, line spacing 1.5.

2.2.1 Debate comments

Word limit: 3000 words in 12 pt Times New Roman, line spacing 1.5, ex. references.



Word limit: 3000 words in 12 pt Times New Roman, line spacing 1.5, ex. references. Max. six illustrations (tables, figures, photos).



Word limit: 1500 words in 12 pt Times New Roman, line spacing 1.5, ex. references.




Level 1: Main title –Times New Roman, bold, pt 14

Level 2: Subtitles –Times New Roman, bold, pt 12

Level 3: Subtitles – Times New Roman, italicized, pt 12



Use bullet points:

  • ceramics

  • glass

  • flint



Spell out numbers up to 12. Use numeric symbols for numbers over 12: five, ten – 17 and 21.



Key words in italics.



3.5.1. Quotes of more three linesor less

Quotes of less than three lines are marked with double quotation marks:

”Ecotourism has an earthy appeal...” (Johnston 2005:1).

Quotes in other languages than the main language of the article are in italics. Translations are provided in footnotes:

Båten er med på å stabilisere samfunnet på et nivå i kraft av sin kompleksitet[1] (Hesjedal 2011:97).

3.5.2. Quotes of more than three lines

Quotes of more than three lines are indented without quotation marks and in 10 pt font:

Relasjonar og sosiale nettverk vil i liten grad bli avspegla i det arkeologiske materialet. Dette gjer at kvantitative analyser vil vere vanskeleg å gjennomføre, òg bli unøyaktige, grunna relativt lite datagrunnlag. I tillegg vil område som i større grad er undersøkt arkeologisk bli uforholdsmessig vektlagt i forhold til andre område. Nettverksanalyse har inga lang fartstid innafor arkeologien og nettverksanalyse på arkeologisk materiale er difor prega av forsking innafor andre fag, særskild sosiologi. (Loftsgarden 2011:64-65)

When skipping parts of the original text, use […]

Ecotourism has an earthy appeal, but its cachet as a wonder industry is crumbling. As an industry, ecotourism is more damaging to life systems globally than all other industries combined. ”How”, you say – because this industry targets Indigenous Peoples’ cultures and ancestral lands. […] None of this talk of ecotourism concerns us, some think. (Johnston 2005:1)



3.6.1 Book

References to book titles are in italics: Archaeology and Modernity

3.6.2 Journal/Newspaper/Magazine

References to journals are in italics: European Journal of Archaeology

3.6.3 Articles in books/Journals/Newspapers/Magazines

References to articles in books or journals are in double quotation signs: ”Landscapes of the body: burials of the Middle Bronze Age in Hungargy”

3.6.4 Old laws and diplomas

References to diplomas are given with an abbreviation of the archival source and register number of the diploma, followed by year of issue stated after a slash if suitable in the context. The abbreviation functions as reference in the literature list. Published old legislation is stated with abbreviation of the source and page number, or paragraph number for specific laws.

Diplomatarium Norvegicum: (DN IV, 1118) or (DN IV, 1118/1345)

Norges gamle Love («Old Norwegian Laws»): (NgL II, 491)

The Gulathing Law: (G 8)

3.6.4 Encyclopedia entries

References to encyclopedia entries are keywords in italics, i.e.: The Bronze Age. The key word is used as reference in the literature list.

References to particular standard works state abbreviations of the work, volume and page number, for instance Kulturhistorisk leksikon for nordisk middelalder: (KLNM III, 456)

3.6.5 Public documents

References to White Papers use an abbreviation for the series, followed by volume, year of publication, as well as the main title.

St.meld. nr 16 (2004-2005) Leve med kulturminner

References to Official Reports use an abbreviation for the series, followed by volume and issue, as well as the main title

NOU 2002:01 Fortid former framtid

3.6.6 Legislation

References to legislation use an abbreviation such as «Act», the full date of issue, number and short title

LOV 1978-06-09 Nr 50 Lov om kulturminner

3.6.7 Reports

Undated reports are referenced by the name of the author. If no author is stated, the name of the issuing institution is used.

3.6.8 Case documents

For case documents, use the name of the issuing institution as keyword. The keyword is used as reference in the literature list.

3.6.9 Databases

References to databases use the database name in italics as keyword, i.e. Askeladden. The keyword is used as reference in the literature list.



If using abbreviations, write the full name at first mention and add the abbreviation in parentesis.

3.7.1 Organisations

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo (MCH)

3.7.2 Dates

Uncalibrated radiocarbon dates (BP) can be included, but dates in the main text must be calibrated, i.e. AD/BC. It should be stated what calibration program has been used (i.e. OxCal).



Photos can be submitted as JPEG files, if this is the original format, or as TIFF files. Photos must have a resolution of 300 dpi.

Photos and figures can be printed with a width of either 68,5 or 142 mm (the latter is the full width of the page), and a maximum height of 198 mm.

Photos count as figures and must be numbered in the order they occur in the text. Specify in the text where the figures should occur. Send figures as separate files with names indicating their placement in the text: Figure 1, Figure 2, and so on.



Tables are sent as separate files and must be given names with sequential numbering according to their placement in the text. Specify in the text where the tables should be included.

Tables can be printed with a width of either 68,5 or 142 mm (the latter is the full width of the page), and a maximum height of 198 mm.



Footnotes can be used but should be limited to an absolute minimum. Endnotes are not accepted.



The reference system of Primitive tider is based on the Harvard system. Each reference is written out. (Abbreviations such as 1999:21f, 2003:44ff, 2001: passim or ibid are not allowed.)



4.1.1 One author

(Hagen 1967:5) or Hagen (1967)

4.1.2 Two authors

(Shanks and Tilley 1987:55) or Shanks and Tilley (1987:88)

4.1.3 Three or more authors

(Vankilde et al. 2000:300) or Vankilde et al. (2000:300)

4.1.4 Two or more sources in one reference

The sources are sorted by year of publication:

(Hagen 1967; Shanks and Tilley 1987; Vankilde et al. 2000).

In the case of more than one reference to the same author, these are organized chronologically according to name of author (Hagen 1967; 1985; Shanks og Tilley 1987; Vankilde et al. 2000).

4.1.5 Two or more sources with the same publication year or same author

(Jones and Brown 1972a, 1972b; Wilson 1973c) or Jones and Brown (1972a, 1972b) and Wilson (1973c)

4.1.6 Two authors by the same last name and year of publication

(J. Smith 1982; N. Smith 1982) or J. Smith (1982) and N. Smith (1982)



If you use recent reprints of older publications, refer as follows:

(Russell and Erwin 1980 [1865])



4.3.1 Newspaper articles with known author

(Avner 2010)

4.3.2 Newspaper article, unknown author

If the author of the newspaper article is not stated, use the name of the newspaper/magazine in italics and date of issue:

(Bergens tidende 3.12.2008)



Official reports: (NOU 2001:01:55)

White Papers: (St. medl. nr 16 (2004-2005):43)

Case documents are referred to by stating the institution and year of issue: (Hordaland County 2008)



The webpage address is not stated in the text, only in the literature list.

4.5.1 Internet articles with known author

Articles written by one or several known authors are referred to by author name(s) and the date of online publication.

(Alver 2010) – (Hansen og Petersen 2009)

If the date of publication online is unknown, refer to the author name and «no date».

(Alver n.d.)

4.5.2 Internet articles by unknown author

If no author name is known, the name of the website or the issuing institution in italics can be used as reference in the text together with the year of online publication.

(Riksantikvaren 2010)



Never use et al. in the literature list – all author names given in the book/article should be stated.

If there are several editions available of a book, state which one you have referred to.

Several titles by the same author are listed chronologically with the oldest first.



5.1.1 Book, one author

Dahl, W. 2000 Fortellingen om Bergen. Eide forlag, Bergen.

Lunden, K. 1972 Økonomi og Samfunn. Synspunkt på økonomisk historie. Universitetsforlaget, Oslo.

Schiffer, M. B. 1976 Behavioral Archeology. Academic Press, New York.

Shetelig, H. 1922 Primitive tider i Norge. John Griegs Forlag, Bergen.

5.1.2 Book, several authors

Kristiansen, K. og T. B. Larsson 2005 The Rise of Bronze Age Society. Travels, Transmissions and Transformations. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

Laclau, E. og C. Mouffe 2001 [1985] Hegemony and Socialist Strategy. Towards a Radical Democratic Politics. 2. Utgave. Verso, London og New York.

Myhre, B. og I. Øye 2002 Norges landbrukshistorie I. 4000 f. Kr. – 1350 e.Kr. Jorda blir levevei. Det norske samlaget, Oslo.

Sørensen, M. L. og J. Carman 2009 Heritage Studies. Methods and approaches. Routledge, London og New York.

5.1.3 Edited book

Hodder, I.  (ed.) 2001 Archaeological Theory Today. Policy Press, Cambridge.

Holme, J. (ed.) 2005 Kulturminnevern. Vol II. 2nd ed. Økokrim, Oslo.

McHugh, W. (ed.) 1977 The Teaching of Archaeology. Southern Illinois University Press, Carbondale.

Rockman, M. and J. Steele (ed.) 2003 Colonization of Unfamiliar Landscapes. The Archaeology of Adaption. Routledge, London og New York.

5.1.4 Volume with no author

Rebanks Consulting Ltd and Trends Business Research Ltd 2009 World Heritage Status. Is there opportunity for economic gain? Research and analysis of the socio-economic impact potential of UNESCO World Heritage Site status. Reeds Printers, Penrith.

SCS Engineers 1986 A Survey of Household Hazardous Waste and Related Collection Programs. SCS Engineers, Reston, Virginia.

UNESCO World Heritage Centre 2008 World Heritage Information Kit. UNESCO World Heritage Centre, Paris.

5.1.5 Volume/monography in a series

Chilidis, K., J. Lund and C. Prescott  (ed.) 2008 Facets of Archaeology. Essays in honour of Lotte Hedeager on her 60th birthday. Oslo archaeological series Vol. 10, Unipub forlag, Institutt for arkeologi, konservering og historiske studier. Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo.

Fowler, C. 2004 The Archaeology of Personhood. An anthropological approach. Themes in archaeology edited by J. Thomas. Routledge, London og New York.

Larsen, J. H. 2010 Jervinneundersøkelser. Faglig program vol. 2. Varia 78. Kulturhistorisk museum, Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo.

Oma, K. A. 2007 Human-animal relationships Mutual becomings in the household of Scandinavia and Sicily 900–500 BC. Oslo archaeological series Vol. 9. Unipub forlag, Institutt for arkeologi, konservering og historiske studier. Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo.

Soltvedt, E.-C., T. Løken, L. Prøsch-Danielsen, R. L. Børsheim and K. Oma 2007 Bøndene på Kvålehodlene. Boplass-, jordbruks- og landskapsutvikling gjennom 6000 år på Jæren, SV Norge. AmS-Varia 47. Arkeologisk museum i Stavanger, Stavanger.



Beck, A. 2010 Døre i vikingetidens langhuse. Et forsøg på at indtænke mennesket i bebyggelsesarkæologien. Unpublished magister thesis. Department of Pre-Historic History, the SAXO institute, Copenhagen University, Copenhagen.

Mjærum, A. 2004 Å gi øksene liv. Et biografisk perspektiv på slipte flintøkser fra sørøstnorsk tidlig- og mellomneolitikum. Unpublished MA thesis in archaeology. University of Oslo, Oslo.

Rundberget, B. H. 2002 Teknologi og jernvinne. En teoretisk og metodisk tilnærming tiljernvinna som kilde for menneskelig kunnskap og handling. Unpublished MA thesis in archaeology. NTNU, Trondheim.

Schenck, T. 2009 Why were they pots? An experimental perspective on the introduction of ceramics in Early Neolithic South Norway. Unpublished MA thesis in archaeology. University of Oslo, Oslo.

Valum, M. 2009 Hellig eller profan? Hus og husoffer som kilde til kosmologi i senneolitikum og bronsealder på Lista i Vest-Agder fylke. Unpublished MA thesis in archaeology. University of Oslo, Oslo.

Wanless, A. 2007 The Silence of Colonial Melancholy: The Fourie collection of Khoisan Ethnologica. Unpublished PhD thesis. University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg.



When referring to online publications the DOI-number should be included as last part of the reference.

5.3.1 Article in journal, one author

Brattli, T. 2009 Managing the Archaeological World Cultural Heritage: Consensus or Rhetoric? Norwegian Archaeological Review 42(1):24-39.

Groseth, L. 2006 Kulturarvens demokratiske svøpe. Primitive tider 9:39-44.

Prescott, C. 1996 Was there really a Neolithic in Norway? Antiquity 70:77-87.

5.3.2 Article in journal, several authors

Henrich, J. and R. McElreath 2003 The Evolution of Cultural Evolution. Evolutionary Anthropology 12:123–135.

Myhr, K., T. Thun and H. Hytteborn 2007 Dendrochronological Dating of Wooden Artefacts using Photography. Norwegian Archaeological Review 40(2):179-186. 

Prescott, C. and E. Walderhaug 1995 The last frontier? Processes of Indo-Europeanization in Northern Europe: The Norwegian Case. The Journal of Indo-European Studies 23 (3&4):257-280.

5.3.3 Article in journal, group of authors

The Royal Society Conference of Editors 1968 Metrification in Scientific Journals. American Scientist 56:159–164.

5.3.4 Article in journal/magazine, no author

Dagbladet 2010 Jens søker råd. Dagbladet 15. februar 2010:13. 

5.3.5 Article in edited book or monograph

Brück, J. and M. Goodman 1999 Introduction: themes for a critical archaeology of prehistoric settlement. In Making places in the prehistoric world: themes in settlement archaeology, J. Brück and M. Goodman (eds.), pp. 1-19. UCL Press, London.

Fritz, J. M. 1978 Paleopsychology Today: Ideational Systems and Human Adaptation in Prehistory. In Social Archeology: Beyond Subsistence and Dating, C. L. Redman, M. J. Berman, E. V. Curtin, W. T. Langhorne, Jr., N. M. Versaggi og J. C. Wanser (eds.), s. 37-59. Academic Press, New York.

Ingold, T. 2000 The temporality of landscape. In The Perception of the Environment. Essays in livelihood, dwelling and skill, T. Ingoll (ed.). s. 189-208. Routledge, London og New York.

5.3.6 Article in edited volume in a series

Glørstad, H. 2009 Å veve er å leve. Håndverket som forestillingssystem og kroppslig erfaring. I Håndverk og produksjon. Et møte mellom ulike perspektiver, J. Lund og L. Melheim (eds.), pp. 41-59. Oslo archaeological series Vol 12. Unipub forlag/Institutt for arkeologi, konservering og historiske studier. Universitetet i Oslo, Oslo.

Rønne, O. 2003 Stensrød – boplass med spor fra nøstvetfasen, senneolitikum, bronsealder og eldre jernalder. I Svinesundprosjektet. Bind 2. utgravninger avsluttet i 2002, H. Glørstad (ed.), pp. 187-222. Varia 55. Universitetets kulturhistoriske museer, Fornminneseksjonen, Oslo.

Rønne, P. 2005 Arkæologiske undersøgelser forud for bygningen af ny E6 gennem Melhus, Sør-Trøndelag. In Konstruksjonsspor og byggeskikk. Maskinell flateavdekking – metodikk, tolkning og forvaltning. Redigert av M. Høgestøl, L. Selsing, T. Løken, A. J. Nærøy og L. Prøsch-Danielsen (eds.), pp. 87-96. AmS-Varia 43. Arkeologisk museum i Stavanger, Stavanger.

5.3.7 Article in proceedings or annual report series

Brück, J. 1995 A place for the dead: the role of human remains in Late Bronze Age Britain. Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 61:245-277.

Gruhn, R., and A. L. Bryan  1977 Los Tapiales: A Paleoindian Site in the Guatemalan Highlands. Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society 121:235–273. Philadelphia.

5.3.8 Article in encyclopedia

Arkeologi 1950 Gyldendals store norske leksikon, s. 380. Gyldendal, Oslo.

5.3.9 Primary sources

B = Borgartings eldre kristenrett [The Older Christian Law of Borgarthing]. Translated by Eyvind Fjeld Halvorsen. In: De eldste østlandske kristenrettene. Tekst etter håndskriftene, med oversettelser. Utgitt ved Eyvind Fjeld Halvorsen og Magnus Rindal 2008. Norrøne Tekster nr. 7. Riksarkivet, Oslo.

DN = Diplomatarium Norvegicum: oldbreve til kundskab om Norges indre og ydre forhold, sprog, slægter, sæder, lovgivning og rettergang i middelalderen. Published by C.C.A. Lange, C.R. Unger et al. 1874-2001. 23 volumes. Christiania/Oslo.

NgL = Norges gamle love indtil 1387 [Old Norwegian Laws until 1387]. Published by Rudolf Keyser og Peter Andreas Munch. Volume I-V. 1846-1895. Printed by Chr. Gröndahl, Christiania.



Potter, P. B., Jr. 1992 Review of Reading Material Culture: Structuralism, Hermeneutics, and Post-Structuralism, edited by C. Tilley. American Antiquity 57:556–557.



Dølvik, T. 2007 Forsøk med differensiert oppgavefordeling. AGENDA, report R4688-4.

Hagen, H. 2007 Arkeologisk registrering. Espeland, gnr 107, bnr 260, 420, Ytrebygdabydel, Bergen kommune. Arkeologisk registreringsrapport nr 22. City Antiquarian Department of Bergen, Bergen.

Hanisch, M. 1998 Kulturhistoriske registreringar. Reguleringsplan på del av Nattland, gnr. 10 og 11 i Fana, Bergen kommune. Kulturseksjonen. Regional utvikling. Hordaland fylkeskommune, Bergen.

Melle, T. 2006 Kulturhistorisk registrering. Haraldsplass, gnr 163, bnr 490, Bergenhus bydel. Arkeologisk registreringsrapport nr 35. City Antiquarian Department of Bergen, Bergen.



St.meld. nr 16 (2004-2005) Leve med kulturminner. Det kongelige miljøverndepartement.

NOU 2002:01 Fortid former framtid. Utfordringer i en ny kulturminnepolitikk. Utredning fra kulturminneutvalget oppnevnt ved kongelig resolusjon 9. april 1999. Avgitt til Miljøverndepartementet 21. desember 2001. Statens Forvaltningstjeneste statens trykning.

Miljøverndepartementets rundskriv T-6/89 1989 Delegasjon. Nye forskrifter til kulturminneloven om faglig ansvarsområde mv. delegasjon. Det kongelig miljøverndepartement.



Byantikvaren 2007a Fana, Fantoft, gnr. 12, bnr. 249 mfl. Byantikvarens uttalelse etter befaring i henhold til undersøkelsesplikten, kml. § 9. Saksdok. Nr. 200706245-9.

Byantikvaren 2007b Varslingsbrev offentlig ettersyn.  Fana, gnr. 11 bnr. 728, Nattland, felt B17 og 17A. Byantikvarens innspill. Saksdok. nr. 200708711-23.

Hordaland fylkeskommune 2003 Bergenhus bydel. Bybane i Bergen P.1695.00.00. Reguleringsplaner for strekningene Sentrum-Nestun, utlegging til offentlig ettersyn. Varsling av offentlige myndigheter og organisasjoner. Saksdokument nr. 200208976-113.



LOV-1978-06-09-50 2009 [1978] Lov om kulturminner (Kulturminneloven). 32 2007-2008 Om lov om planlegging og byggesaksbehandling (Plan- og bygningsloven).



Avner, T. 2010 Osebergskipet. Nasjonalskatten vi kunne ha tapt. Elektronisk dokument. Tilgjengelig fra: [besøkt 20.03.2010].

Riksantikvaren 2008 Veileder – Arkeologi. Elektronisk dokument. Tilgjengelig fra: [besøkt 05.05.08].



Askeladden 2008 Riksantikvarens database for kulturminner. Elektronisk dokument. Tilgjengelig fra: [besøkt. 04.04.08].



Joslin-Jeske, R., og R. Lurie 1983 Seeing Bipolar: A Blind Text. Foredrag presentert på det 48. Annual Meeting of the Society for American Archaeology, Pittsburgh.



Vehik, Susan C. 2002 Conflict, Trade, and Political Development on the Southern Plains. American Antiquity, in press.

[1] «Due to its complexity, the boat contributes to stabilize society on one level” (my translation).