Kartlegging av historisk og nåværende landskaps- og ressursbruk i Finnmark


  • Alma Thuestad Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning (NIKU), Nordområdeavdelingen
  • Einar Eyþórsson Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning (NIKU), Nordområdeavdelingen
  • Stine Barlindhaug Norsk institutt for kulturminneforskning (NIKU), Nordområdeavdelingen




Pursuant to the Finnmark Act, the Finnmark Commission
was established in order to identify potentially existing
collective or individual use- and property rights on
land formerly defined as state-owned in Finnmark. The
Commission charged the Norwegian Institute for Cultural
Heritage Research (NIKU) with reviewing historical and
current land- and resource use within selected survey areas.
NIKU conducted several large-scale map-based surveys
concerning individual and communal traditional use, as well
as common understandings of the rights situation related to
land- and resource use. Local knowledge describing traditional land- and
resource use has so far been deemed of value for the ongoing rights processes in Finnmark. There is, however, little to
suggest that the physical traces of the described use have had
an important place in either the proceedings or the decisions
made so far. In our opinion, cultural heritage sites and local
knowledge are important sources of information for a time
period when written sources and public documents are less
than adequate, and viewed together such data contribute to
a broader understanding of both cultural heritage sites and
the relationship between sites and historic land- and resource





