Medvirkning som samskaping i møtepunktet mellom museum og skole


  • Gunhild Rikstad Museene Arven
  • Mari-Ana Jones NTNU - Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet



“Can we make a TikTok about Grainnbergan? Or build it in Lego? Or make a puppet show?” asked excited students after visiting Grainnbergan, an abandoned homestead in Inderøy municipality in Norway. Employees from Museene Arven and students from the local school tested out participation and co-creation in a shared exploration of the historical site, with exciting results. Participation has been highlighted and mandated in schools and museums in recent years. Both, however, report misunderstandings and challenges (Jones 2022; Lynch 2011). More knowledge is needed about participation and co-creation in practice, and this article presents a retrospective analysis of the Grainnberganproject which provides some answers. Findings suggest that museums and schools have much to learn from each other and the students. There are important practical and structural aspects to consider, there is a need for shared understandings and the development of necessary competencies to work in co-creative partnerships.


Gunhild Rikstad, Museene Arven

Fagleder formidling og konservator i fagenheten

Mari-Ana Jones, NTNU - Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet

Førsteamanuensis innen organisasjon og ledelse i utdanningssektoren


