Fra brugerundersøgelse til handling – hvordan gør man Brandts til et attraktivt sted for unge?


  • Leslie Ann Schmidt
  • Lise Kapper


Emneord (Nøkkelord):

Brandts, young people, museums, user survey, learning, identity, leisure


This article is based on the work of the Learning and Visitor Services Department at the Danish cultural institution known as Brandts, with a view to turning Brandts (which consists of two specialist museums and an art exhibition venue) into a place that young people between the ages of 15 and 25 actively choose to visit as a leisure-time activity. The background for this development work lies in a survey of young users and on-users conducted at Brandts in the autumn of 2010. The article links the results of this local qualitative survey with the results of other recent surveys of museum visitors in Denmark. In addition to covering the new ”action plan” for Brandts, prepared with regard to the wishes and needs of young people, the article delves deeper into the considerations that lay behind the chosen focus on young people and their opportunities for informal learning and identity development within a museum context. 



