Digitale visjoner. En kartlegging. Identitet, tilgjengelighet, og digitalt demokrati


  • Taran Wold Cultural History Museum, University of Oslo
  • Gro Ween Cultural History Museum, University of Oslo


Emneord (Nøkkelord):

Digital museums, Nordic solutions, audience research, digital policy, the manual digital.


As part of a Nordic Council funded collaboration between the Danish

Nationalmuseet and the Norwegian Kulturhistorisk museum, a mapping of

Nordic museum intitutions’ approaches to the digital was undertaken. This article

presents a section of the report, focusing on the grand ambitions of Nordic digital

approaches, the challenges institutions are and have been facing in fulfilling these

ambitions and finally, we point to the one part of Nordic digital initiatives that

rarely have received attention; that of the audience. In this article we show that

the many challenges that Nordic digital ambitions suffer under have had the result

that museum audiences have been largely ignored. We present Nordic digital

ambitions, emphasising how the audiences in fact are central to these aspirations,

and summarise the Nordic research currently available about our digital museum



Taran Wold, Cultural History Museum, University of Oslo

MA, Senior Consultant, Digitisation Project


Gro Ween, Cultural History Museum, University of Oslo

D.Phil., Associate Professor,

Head of Department, Keeper of the Arctic Collections






Special Theme