Barns skjermbruk som tema i samarbeidet mellom barnehage og hjem – et forsømt område?


  • Margunn Serigstad Dahle Førstelektor, NLA Høgskolen
  • Hans-Olav Hodøl Førstelektor, Institutt for nordisk og mediefag, Universitetet i Agder.
  • Trude Kyrkjebø Høgskolelektor og ph.d.-kandidat, Høgskulen på Vestlandet / NTNU.
  • Øyvind Økland Professor, Institutt for sosialfag, Høgskulen i Volda.



The article explores children’s screen usage as a theme in the cooperation between the kindergarten and the home. Based on a mapping of parents’ attitudes to the role of the kindergarten in relation to the screen usage of 4–6-year-olds, partnership between the kindergarten and the home is discussed, in view of the formative task and with media education as a framework.

The study indicates that kindergartens need to integrate children’s screen usage further in their cooperation with the parents. By considering children´s screen usage as a shared concern, this topic may be an element which strengthens this cooperation, for the sake of the child. Since formation is foundational for kindergartens, screen usage should get increased attention.

Key words: media, kindergarten, parental cooperation, media education, formation


