Religionskritikk, vulgærkritikk, essenskritikk: Må religionskritikk i klasserommet være kontroversielt?


  • Michael Hertzberg Førsteamanuensis ved Høgskulen på Vestlandet



Criticism of religion is a subject that not only actualizes how controversial topics should be handled in the classroom, but it is also a topic that activates the way in which religious studies as a discipline can understand its teaching mandate. Despite this, there is still a large theoretical deficit when it comes to how we understand criticism of religion. While criticism of religion is often understood through existential positioning (external/internal), I would argue that the concept of criticism of religion can be expanded by understanding it as a series of rhetorical exchanges. By expanding the criticism of religion from dealing with the truth value of religious ideas, to also including vulgar criticism (what is sacred and exalted in society) and essence criticism (religion as a group-based dimension), this provides new opportunities in teaching. With the help of precise subject terms, the teacher can use his pedagogical wisdom to either raise or lower the temperature in the classroom.

Keywords: Criticism of religion, vulgar criticism, essence criticism, controversial topics, racism.




