Här finns problem att lösa!


  • Jan Beskow
  • Anna Ehnvall
  • Ullakarin Nyberg




In severe trouble many people immediately and automatically associate
to death and suicide. This is a normal and in fact often a rational
reaction. Usually such ideas spontaneously fade away and are substituted
by more constructive problem solving. For people suffering from
anxiety, depression, exhaustion, feelings of being an outsider and other
forms of mental pain the thoughts of death as a convenient rescue can
be very dangerous. The situation can be still worse if the person has
difficulties to ask for help. Instead the person may draw him/herself
back and start to develop a suicidal plan. Sometimes new even trivial
strains can trigger the acting out of the plan. When the suicidal person
at last try to get help and meets a psychiatrist or some other helper he/
she is totally occupied by these mental problems. It is then important
to meet such persons in exactly that situation and applicate a problem
solving perspective. The model «Two researchers» is a valuable model
to counteract the patient’s feelings of loneliness and to meet his/her
immediate needs. Furthermore we need to discuss if not pathological
suicidality should be perceived as a psychiatric syndrome in its own
In Sweden still about 1.500 persons commit suicide every year. In
2013 the number was 1606. The situation is thus acute. Let us therefore
rapidly develop a well-functioning model for meeting these persons in
a rational way!


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