Kan sykdomsforebyggende tiltak for leger påvirke risikofaktorer for suicid?


  • Karin Rø Isaksson




High suicide rates among doctors and international reports of burnout,depressive symptoms and alcohol use led to a concern for Norwegiandoctors’ health, with possible consequences for the doctors themselvesand for patient treatment. Studies of doctors’ health were initiated andpreventive measures were established with the aim of preventing mentalillness, where suicide was an ultimate consequence. As the prevalenceof suicide is low, it is important to study the impact of the measures onrisk factors for suicide. Five different preventive interventions for doctorsare presented: Institute for Studies of the Medical Profession-LEFO, aPeer-Support Scheme, the Resource Centre Villa Sana, the Doctor-forDoctors scheme and a Scheme for doctors with substance abuse problems. Studies of the measures indicate that they can impact risk factorsfor suicide, such as depressive symptoms, burnout and help-seeking.This can be important for the group of doctors who avail themselves of theinterventions, but also for a change of attitude in the profession generallytowards more easily seeking help if needed. The need for a combination oforganizational and individually oriented preventive measures is discussed.




