Critical thinking – from intention to realization

An analysis of primary teachers’ understanding of critical thinking


  • Marthe Berg Andresen Reffhaug OsloMet - Storbyuniversitetet
  • Kirsti Marie Jegstad OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet
  • Emilia Andersson-Bakken OsloMet - storbyuniversitetet



critical thinking, teacher interviews, primary education


Critical thinking has gained a central position in Norwegian education through its man­dated inclusion in the renewed curriculum for schools (LK20). However, the term is not clearly defined. In this article, we discuss primary school teachers’ understanding of the concept. We answer the following research questions: What perspectives on critical thinking are emphasized by primary school teachers, and how do they describe their classroom practices related to the concept? To answer the research questions, a content analysis was conducted, in which we explored how theoretical and research-based perspectives on critical thinking are present in interviews with eleven primary school teachers. The categories are attitudes, source evaluation, argumentation, multiple per­spectives, connectedness, power structures, views of knowledge, and contextuality. Our findings demonstrate that most of the perspectives on critical thinking were included by the teachers when viewed collectively. However, most teachers did not expand on their content, indicating that they are familiar with some of the perspectives, but not all. Furthermore, the teachers weigh factors regarding critical thinking differently, a fact possibly attributable to their basic epistemologies and their perceptions of their own role in the classroom. Finally, our analysis implicates a need for suitable content when engaging with critical thinking with students, and that primary school teachers are in need of more knowledge about ways of facilitating critical thinking in their classrooms.



How to Cite

Reffhaug, M. B. A., Jegstad, K. M., & Andersson-Bakken, E. (2022). Critical thinking – from intention to realization: An analysis of primary teachers’ understanding of critical thinking. Acta Didactica Norden, 16(2), 21 sider.