Critical literacy from a disciplinary perspective – examples from L1, science and social studies


  • Tove Stjern Frønes Universitetet i Oslo
  • Jenny W. Folkeryd Uppsala universitet
  • Kjetil Børhaug Universitetet i Bergen
  • Martin Krabbe Sillasen VIA University College i Aarhus



critical literacy; , critical thinking, language arts education, science education, social science education


In recent years, critical literacy has become more important both in research and in school practice, similar to closely related concepts such as critical thinking, critical reading and critical writing. Various subjects have thematised critical literacy in some­what different ways. Both the world situation and the pervasive digitisation of Nordic societies have actualised citizens to take a critical stance, and various driving forces have put critical literacy on the agenda in Nordic school systems. The renewed research interest in critical approaches is reflected in educational practice and teacher education, not least through frameworks for teaching provided by curricula, educational goals and regulations.

 In this introductory article to the special issue, we clarify how the critical approach differs and is highlighted in various disciplinary traditions. In the 12 articles included, critical literacy is contextualised in disciplinary genres and cultures, to which the disciplines can provide a critical approach. In this article, we inspect the development of literacy research and show how critical literacy has been understood, first in L1 education, then in science education and social science education.

We have chosen critical approach as the overall term, which in various disciplines and contexts can involve reading and writing, critical thinking or other meaning-making practices. The special issue highlights disciplinary literacy, and this article inspects the difference in concepts and practices, as well as what unites and what separates the perspectives of the various subjects.



How to Cite

Frønes, T. S., Folkeryd, J. W., Børhaug, K., & Sillasen, M. K. (2022). Critical literacy from a disciplinary perspective – examples from L1, science and social studies. Acta Didactica Norden, 16(2), 28 sider.