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FRITT tjenesten leveres av Digitale Tjenester ved Universitetsbiblioteket i Oslo i samarbeid med USIT.

Teknisk løsning er open source-programvaren fra Open Journal Systems (OJS), tilpasset lokale behov.

For mer informasjon kontakt


  • Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia

    ACTA (Acta ad archaeologiam et artium historiam pertinentia) is published by the Norwegian Institute in Rome in association with Scienze e Lettere, Rome. ACTA publishes articles relevant to Mediterranean archaeology and art history within the broader interdisciplinary mission statement of the Institute. ACTA is an international, open access journal that simultaneously publishes a paper and an electronic version.

  • Acta Didactica Norden

    Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO) is a Nordic, peer reviewed, open access journal devoted to research in the teaching and learning of subjects, teacher education, and teacher professional development. The journal publishes articles written in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and English.

  • Acta Didactica Norge

    Acta Didactica is a transdisciplinary, peer-reviewed, open access electronic journal designed to provide a scholarly forum for research on Teaching and Learning in and across subjects in the Nordic countries. At the start of 2020 Acta Didactica Norge changed its title to Acta Didactica Norden in order to better reflect the geographical area that the journal covers.

  • Acta Orientalia

    Acta Orientalia is a journal devoted to the study of languages, history, archaeology and religions of the Orient from the earliest times down to our day.


    AGARICA is a mycological journal published by The Norwegian Association for Mycology and Foraging. 

    The journal contains original peer-reviewed articles on all mycological subjects, including research articles, literature reviews, and shorter research articles. Additionally, you might also find non-peer-reviewed popularized articles of long research articles, short notices, and book reviews. AGARICA contains content in Norwegian, Swedish, Danish, and English. Publishing in AGARICA provides scientific article publication points in Norway.

    Subscribe to Agarica.

  • Arr – idéhistorisk tidsskrift

    Arr er Norges eneste vitenskapelige idéhistoriske tidsskrift. Det har vært uavhengig av institusjons- og forlagsinteresser siden første nummer kom i 1989. Siden har Arr kommet ut med fire nummer i året.

  • Babylon Nordic Journal of Middle East Studies

    Babylon is the leading journal in the Nordic countries, of research on the contemporary Middle East.


    CLARA is an open access journal hosted by the Museum of Cultural History at the University of Oslo, and administered by an international Editorial Board. The main objective is to annually publish papers of a high academic quality within the field of Classical Art and Archaeology and to make them accessible to a wide scholarly public.
  • Dialogía

    Dialogía publishes research on dialogic thinking. Published by the Instituto Mijail Bajtín (Universidad Nacional de San Cristóbal de Huamanga, Perú) and ILOS (UiO, Norway).

  • Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Publications

    Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Publications (DHNB Publications) publishes proceedings of conferences, workshops and other academic events from the Digital Humanities and Social Sciences (DHSS) field. While focusing on DHSS work from the Nordic and Baltic countries, it is not limited to regional contributions.

    The series DHNB Publications is published at the University of Oslo Library, Norway, and edited by Annika Rockenberger (University of Oslo) and Eetu Mäkelä (University of Helsinki). 

    The Board of the Association for Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries serves as the Editorial Board and ensures regional and international anchoring.

    Individual DHNB Publications also regularly have guest editors, as each proceedings is edited and published by the respective conference organisers. The publication editors oversee the publication process.

  • Gjør dette hjemme

    This journal is inactive for the time being.

    Gjør dette hjemme is a journal for children and youths with a wish to carry out their own research at home. The journal publishes peer-reviewed articles within chemistry, biology, physics, electronics, mathematics and informatics. 

  • Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies

    The Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies (JAIS) is one of the world's most widely read journals in the field of Arabic, Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies.

  • Journal of Extreme Anthropology

    A well-established interdisciplinary peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of both extreme and otherwise challenging subjects, practices and theories, critically exploring the notion of the extreme within contemporary cultural, political and economic environments, conceiving of anthropology in the broad sense as the study of human, and thus open to contributions across social sciences, humanities and philosophy.

  • The Journal of Media Innovations (Discontinued)

    This journal is discontinued.

    The Journal of Media Innovations was an open access journal that explored changes in media technologies, media policies, organizational structures, media management, media production, journalism, media services, and usages. The Journal of Media Innovations consists of academic articles, research briefs, and book reviews.

  • Journal of the Philosophy of Games

    The Journal of the Philosophy of Games (JPG) explores philosophical questions raised by the study of games. The journal pursues discussions about the general nature of games and gameplay and about their interrelation with technology, art, communication and social interaction.

  • Memoria y Narración. Revista de estudios sobre el pasado conflictivo de sociedades y culturas contemporáneas

    Memoria y Narración. Academic journal on the conflictive past of contemporary societies and cultures" (MyN) is an international, peer reviewed, open access journal related to the Research and Education Network "Memoria y Narración

  • Michael

    Kvartalstidsskriftet Michael, som utgis av Det norske medicinske Selskab, publiserer artikler om medisinsk historie, medisinsk humaniora, samfunnsmedisin og helsepolitikk. Michael ble grunnlagt i 2004, er registrert som vitenskapelig publiseringskanal på nivå 1, og har navn etter Norges første professor i medisin, Michael Skjelderup (1768–1862).

  • MVM: Cuadernos de Estudios Manuel Vázquez Montalbán

    MVM: Journal of Studies Manuel Vázquez Montalbán is an international, peer reviewed, open access journal for the Association for Studies Manuel Vázquez Montalbán.

  • Nordic Atlas of Language Structures Journal

    The journal is dedicated to covering all branches of linguistics in the Nordic (North Germanic) languages, Icelandic, Faroese, Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish. It has a strong empirical focus, with maps of isoglosses being a central ingredient. The journal aims to be descriptive, empirical, and scientifically sound, and to present new results.

  • Nordic Journal of Health Economics

    The Nordic Journal of Health Economics publishes empirical and theoretical research within the field of Health Economics. We aim to focus broadly and invite contributions on health economic topics from researchers both inside and outside of the Nordic countries. Special, but not exclusive, attention is given to topics that are relevant to the Nordic setting and to Nordic research agendas.

  • Nordic Machine Intelligence

    Nordic Machine Intelligence (NMI) is a non-commercial, open-access , peer-reviewed journal and thus qualifies to be a diamond open-access journal. The journal publishes original research articles, literature reviews, conference articles related to NORA's Norwegian and Nordic conferences, articles related to the NMI Challenge, statements and other educational material within all aspects of artificial intelligence.

  • Nordic Studies in Science Education

    NorDiNa is an international, peer reviewed, open access journal. Original research papers and review articles within all aspects of science education are published.

  • Nordisk Museologi

    The journal Nordic Museology is a forum for critical scholarly discussion of museum and heritage subjects in the Nordic countries. The twice-yearly peer-reviewed journal focuses on issues and themes currently in the spotlight in the fields of museology, art, natural and cultural heritage, with contributions from many different professions and different bodies. The journal thus aims to provide a broad spectrum of approaches and insights.

  • Oslo Studies in Language

    Oslo Studies in Language (OSLa) er et fagfellevurdert open access tidsskrift i lingvistikk
  • Primitive tider

    Primitive Tider is a Norwegian, peer reviewed archaeological journal which is published once each year. Contributions are accepted in the Scandinavian languages as well as in English.

  • Prismet

    A journal on Religious Education and other topics in the nexus of Pedagogy, Religion and Theology.

  • Sakprosa

    Sakprosa is a academic online journal on nordic factual prose.
  • Speki. Nordic Philosophy and Education Review

    Speki, old Norse for wisdom, is a Nordic peer-reviewed journal that focuses on the philosophical, theoretical, normative and conceptual problems and issues in educational research, policy and practice. Speki practices academic hospitality by inviting and welcoming new as well as established voices in the field. This journal is not the expression of any one philosophical or theoretical school or cultural tradition. Rather, the journal promotes exchange and collaboration among philosophers, philosophers of education and educational and social science researchers throughout the Nordic countries. Contributions that address this wide audience, while clearly presenting a philosophical argument and reflecting high standards of academic quality, are encouraged. The journal publishes articles in Danish, Norwegian, Swedish and English.

  • Suicidologi

    Suicidologi is the only scientific journal on suicide research and prevention in the Nordic region, with subscribers and writers working in research, clinical practice and prevention.

  • Viking

    Since 1936, Viking has been an important forum for archaeological research in the Scandinavian languages. By providing a venue for dissertations and articles, the journal has promoted Norwegian archaeological research, either by bringing new material to light, or by reflecting on and analysing known material. Thus, for nearly a century Viking has helped set the agenda for archaeological research in Norway, and other parts of Scandinavia.

    In line with this idea, we have now chosen to expand our editions with a new international series, Viking Special Volumes. In this series, new Viking Age research will be presented to an international audience.