Fiction in an interdisciplinary context - When pupils at the upper primary level read fiction and learn about predators in outdoor education


  • Haakon Halberg Nord universitet og NTNU Norges teknisk naturvitenskapelig universitet
  • Tove Anita Fiskum Nord universitet



Outdoor education, Interdisciplinary themes, Reading fiction, Abstract versus concrete learning


Pupils at the upper primary level from 6 different schools in Norway have read fiction and have attended a Wildlife park to learn about predator issues and gain a knowledge base that can be used to understand various dilemmas within the management of predators. This article explores the role and function of reading in this context, on the basis of the following research question: What can the reading of fiction add to the pupils' learning about and interest in predators and predator issues in outdoor education, and conversely: what can an interdisciplinary outdoor educational school didactic teaching program about predators add to the students' reading of fiction? 115 intermediate pupils were interviewed in groups before and after the project. Their teachers are interviewed afterwards. The result shows that reading fiction in this context can be fruitful in terms of knowledge, interest and attitudes towards predator issues, and that the interdisciplinary work can have a positive effect on the pupils' desire to read and, to a certain extent, literary understanding. In the article, the consequences of this are nuanced and discussed.



How to Cite

Halberg, H., & Fiskum, T. A. (2022). Fiction in an interdisciplinary context - When pupils at the upper primary level read fiction and learn about predators in outdoor education . Acta Didactica Norden, 16(3), 26 sider.


