Quality of teaching quality

Contribution to a phenomenologically based concept of quality in teaching


  • Thomas Illum Hansen UCL Erhvervsakademi og Professionshøjskole




Quality, phenomenology, exploratory, didactics, literature


The purpose of this article is to present a multidimensional model for perspectives on quality in teaching, developed in the context of a larger RCT-project, but which is explored and elaborated here for the first time in a theoretical context that makes it possible to unfold the model and put into perspective its theoretical background. For the same reason, the article is exploratory and theory-developing. The intention is a) to identify different theoretical and empirical approaches to quality in teaching and b) to discuss and substantiate the theoretical model based on a phenomenological concept of experienced quality in teaching. The special focus on a phenomenological foundation has its origins in the program theory of the experiment. The assumption was that there was a need to strengthen the perceived quality of teaching by scaffolding and framing creative and exploratory approaches to the content of the subjects to a much greater extent.



How to Cite

Hansen, T. I. (2023). Quality of teaching quality: Contribution to a phenomenologically based concept of quality in teaching. Acta Didactica Norden, 17(1), 19 sider. https://doi.org/10.5617/adno.9113


