Forms of knowledge in physical education teachers’ instruction – a critical analysis


  • Erik Aasland Universitetet i Agder
  • Gunn Engelsrud Høgskulen på Vestlandet



Physical Education, forms of knowledge, profession, teaching


Research regarding teachers’ professional knowledge shows that they use knowledge forms from different subject areas within their teaching. However, little research has been conducted into the forms of knowledge involved in the professional knowledge of a physical education teacher. The research question in this article is: Which forms of knowledge do teachers express when they teach pupils in physical education? The material for the article was obtained during fieldwork focusing on physical education teaching practice at four upper secondary schools in Oslo and includes observation notes form teaching lessons. A selection of teaching situations is analyzed using concepts from research literature on the teaching profession (Gilje, 2017; Hermansen et al., 2018; Jensen et al., 2022). Findings show that when teachers teach pupils in health and exercise, they mainly use knowledge from exercise science and medical health science. Furthermore, the most utilized teaching strategy is demonstration-explanation-practice. In such cases, the teachers utilize theoretical knowledge from motor learning and physical activity, and they demonstrate practical sports skills concerning how the pupils should perform skills/movements. There are also situations in the material where the teachers use practical skills that highlight movement qualities which the pupils can recognize. The teachers use their practical skills to illustrate tacit elements of the movements which can be difficult to articulate. Based on their findings, the authors discuss whether the sports skills may be considered as professional knowledge to physical education teachers. They also discuss if didactical forms of knowledge and ethical-moral forms of knowledge are a part of the teachers’ professional knowledge (i.e., Backman & Barker 2020; Smeby & Mausethagen, 2017). 



How to Cite

Aasland, E., & Engelsrud, G. (2023). Forms of knowledge in physical education teachers’ instruction – a critical analysis. Acta Didactica Norden, 17(3), 20 sider.


