Informatics as a common fundamental competence at all educational levels


  • Michael E. Caspersen It-vest – networking universities
  • Simon Skov Fougt Aarhus University


Emneord (Nøkkelord):



This special issue of Acta Didactica Norden is about informatics as a common fundamental competence at all educational levels. The target group is school­teachers, teachers at teacher education colleges and universities, informatics education researchers and everyone else with a special interest in informatics education in the entire educational system.

The nine articles in this special issue give an impression of the state-of-the-art of informatics education research in the Nordic countries, and we hope that the articles will inform and inspire practitioners as well as researchers to further develop and improve the state of this still emerging but important field in the Nordic countries. Globally, the field is flourishing.

Except for one, all articles are in English; we neither hope nor think this will diminish dissemination to Nordic practitioners and researchers; however, it im­proves the chances that Nordic research and culture in informatics education may transcend the Nordic community, as we firmly believe that the Nordic approach has important knowledge to offer to the international community.

During the submission process, we had indications of publications from several Nordic countries, but in the end, the nine articles are from two countries, Norway (4) and Denmark (5).




Hvordan referere

Caspersen, M. E., & Fougt, S. S. (2022). Informatics as a common fundamental competence at all educational levels. Acta Didactica Norden, 16(4), 9 sider.